The TISOVA project (2017-2020), funded under the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission, seeks to train employees and volunteers of senior centres as well as older people to identify and provide assistance for older victims of abuse. Within the interactive training program developed as an outcome of the project, the main objective is to educate these key groups on violence perpetrated against elderly, as well as on the experiences and specific needs of elderly victims of abuse. Furthermore, the implementation of appropriate policies responding to elder abuse is a focal point.
The objectives of the project, bringing together the expertise of organisations from Estonia, Finland, Greece and Austria, are:
- To design an interactive training programme that provides active and innovative learning opportunities to educate key groups about violence against older people
- To strengthen the capacity of those who work with older people especially in senior centres to respond to the specific needs of older female victims of abuse
- To contribute to a better understanding of the experiences and needs of older (female) victims of domestic violence and to empower them to seek assistance or take other action to break the cycle of violence
- To contribute to stakeholders’ implementation of elder abuse policy into practice, especially in relation to gender specific issues
Download TISOVA leaflet.
Download TISOVA Training Handbook.
Download all Outputs of TISOVA.
Outputs & Events
Interviews with domestic violence and elder care workers, as well as focus groups with the elderly population to determine attitudes and perspectives
Analytical report on abuse of older women, including policy recommendations
Training curriculum on providing support for elderly female victims of abuse
Online educational course for senior/day centre professionals/volunteers and domestic violence organizations
Mutual Learning Workshops
National Roundtable Discussion Forums